Bristol Feral Choir: Ongoing vocal improv play sessions – drop in and jam

Feral Reflections

The blurry pic is a tiny nematode climbing up a tree. As part of Going Feral, we’ve been attempting to talk to the animals, converse with the creatures. Ultimately, this feels one-sided as we communicate from our human perspective. So we’ve started to think – what does it take to build that bridge and communicate with the non-human world? What examples do we have….. There’s more on a new blog site for participant comments as the investigation continues. The ferals invite you in….

Late spring turns to summer, aaah. It’s the best time of year to be outside as far as I’m concerned. The rain has just come and everything has exploded in growth. A good spring forth of life is a fantastic thing to experience. I’m soaking it up, to restore my HOPE.

More on Going Feral here…


Outdoor Play and Learning Projects

I’ve just finished two projects for Black Country Creative Partnerships, developing creative outdoor approaches within KS1 with children, training and mentoring staff. There have been worm races, monsters in the woods, homes to build, stories to tell around the fire, clues to unravel, problems to solve and trails to follow. I’ve been cloaked in my alter ego, a reflective detective, who loves nothing better than a messy mystery and some assistant detectives to help investigate.

You can listen to the story trails from one project.

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