Why is 2012 significant? It’s UN Year of the Bat of course!
Kathy Hinde, groundbreaking audio-visual artist, has invited me to vocally prototype her human sonar device in R&D this autumn. Along with Bristol Feral Choir, we shall be investigating how sonar might influence our sound, movement and behaviour. An insight into bat world and interspecies communication.
Bats have long since been one of my favourite creatures. We share a love of high frequencies and hanging out at night. I love their topsy-turvy perspective and their undeniable cuteness, albeit with that dark vampiric edge. Author-friend Hugh Warwick writes about them beautifully in his recent book, Beauty in the Beast. And here’s a lovely poem by Ruth Pitter.
I’ll post more once we start the investigations…. In the meantime, it’s a great season for bat walks and there are loads across the country. I’m off to play bat detective.