I’ve always enjoyed creating participatory experiences. I’m a connector: it’s often hard to find a boundary between my work as an artist or an educator. Here’s a brief selection of some of the participatory arts and education work I have done:
Artistic Director, Bristol Feral Choir & Going Feral: site-specific cross-arts explorations, performances and improvisation / devising workshops (2008 – current).
Forest School practitioner (2004 – 2013), currently for Fireside Forest School and School in the Forest, Gloucestershire.
Voice and performance improvisation trainer for adults with learning needs, Misfits Theatre Company, Bristol (2013).
Lead practitioner, DEEP outdoor play & learning project for children and children’s professionals, World Jungle, Glos (2012).
Creative outdoor practitioner, Creative Partnerships, Moat Farm & Brandhall Infant Schools, St Francis Xavier Primary School, Sandwell (April 10 – July 2011).
Out2Play Manager, CSV Environment. Team leading Playrangers, holiday Forest School and creative outdoor learning projects (2007 – 10).
Project Manager, Bristol 1807: A Sense of Place, Bristol Library heritage arts education project (2007-08), developing creative schools and community participation.
Artist-researcher, enquiry projects in early years settings, 5x5x5=creativity (2005-07), exploring child-centred outdoor fantasy play.
Music therapist, Honeylands Children’s Hospital and Devon South Portage (2004-05).
Facilitator/director. Youth theatre summer school, workshops & tours. Bristol Old Vic (2005-6) .
Vocal and music workshops for adults recovering from mental illness, MIND and Rethink, Bath and Bristol (2002-3).
Cross-arts performance projects for children with special needs, Bath Festivals Trust (2002)
Artistic Director, Trolley Theatre. The UK’s first environmental theatre company. Founding director, strategic leadership and creative roles. Five shows with participatory educational programmes and two national and European tours. 1000s of participants of all ages along the way (1997 – 2004).