
I’ve always enjoyed creating participatory experiences. I’m a connector: it’s often hard to find a boundary between my work as an artist or an educator. Here’s a brief selection of some of the participatory arts and education work I have done: Artistic Director, Bristol Feral Choir & Going Feral: site-specific cross-arts explorations, performances and improvisation […]


Here is an archive of past projects I have worked on. The drop down menus under ‘past work’ contain performance, participation and training projects.

About me

An inter-disciplinary artist, educator and writer with 20 years experience, I specialise in outdoor arts, play and learning. I work as a researcher and lecturer (Plymouth Uni), outdoor performance maker, Forest School practitioner, consultant and writer. From 2009-2013 I have been engaged in PhD research which has informed my practice and given me the research […]

Springy things to look forward to

It is finally Spring and what am I excited about? Playing outdoors in the sunshine after such a miserable winter. Going Feral very soon on April 28th. Then the fantastic Feral Summer Unschool in collaboration with Lily of Kindling. Check it out, tell everyone, it’s going to be amazing! It’s a week-long residential exploration in […]

Research findings world tour!

I’m pleased with the line up so far this year for presentations of the research results. Eastbourne, Cheltenham, Marrakech, London! Oh the glamour and the prestige. Don’t know how I’ll cope after 3+years either in a small dark room or creeping round the woods. Any ideas for fundraising are needed. I have to raise about […]

play and feralosophy

I’ve been musing and developing a feralosophy for a few years now, sometimes aided by other feral folk. It’s a philosophy suited to life of untaming. Here’s something I wrote a while back about play in my philosophy, preceded by some feralosophy. Cos I want to see if they fit together, unedited, for the hell […]

Going Feral in the Lake District

Save the date! 17– 23 August 2013. Going Feral in the Lake District – natural play intensive for grown ups – details are out. Check out collaborators Kindling too.

New article on Forest Schools

Our article on the History of Forest Schools (Part 1) came out in Horizons last year. Here is a pdf which is ok to freely distribute. Look out for Part 2 in the summer issue 2013. H60.FS.History.pt1

Year of the Bat

Why is 2012 significant? It’s UN Year of the Bat of course! Kathy Hinde, groundbreaking audio-visual artist, has invited me to vocally prototype her human sonar device in R&D this autumn. Along with Bristol Feral Choir, we shall be investigating how sonar might influence our sound, movement and behaviour. An insight into bat world and […]