About me

An inter-disciplinary artist, educator and writer with 20 years experience, I specialise in outdoor arts, play and learning. I work as a researcher and lecturer (Plymouth Uni), outdoor performance maker, Forest School practitioner, consultant and writer. From 2009-2013 I have been engaged in PhD research which has informed my practice and given me the research […]


Thanks for dropping by. My blog is on this page. Click above to find out more about my practice and research. Today, in a parallel life, I would choose to be Henri Rousseau.

Summer 2011 News

Bristol Feral Choir: Ongoing vocal improv play sessions – drop in and jam Feral Reflections The blurry pic is a tiny nematode climbing up a tree. As part of Going Feral, we’ve been attempting to talk to the animals, converse with the creatures. Ultimately, this feels one-sided as we communicate from our human perspective. So […]